Bettie Heckford
'Graen Himmin'
Bettie was a nurse by profession but an artist by desire. After being diagnosed with PTSD, and with the encouragement of a dear friend, she attended a course with an artist she admired. That was in March 2020, just before the entire world shut down due to COVID. Despite having more free time it was then a year before she found the courage pick up her brushes and put paint to canvas, but since she did there has been no stopping her! Bettie likes to work using a palette knife, using an acrylic base under oil, and has developed her style into something that resembles a painting.
While painting Bettie finds a calm, meditative state where nothing else can be thought about except what is appearing on the canvas and after being brave enough to show a few people her works, her confidence has grown, and she now enjoys sharing with people what she has created. Her paintings are not designed to truly replicate a landscape, rather they are an interpretation of things she sees and feels, combining to create something quite unique. After offering one of her paintings for a charity auction and having one accepted for a virtual exhibition in London, Bettie is finding that there is now a list of customers for her work and is looking forward to producing more paintings to hang on walls all over the world!